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Over the last 10 years combined, Ford Mustang® – which is celebrating its 59th birthday – is the world’s best-selling sports car, according to Ford analysis of registration data from S&P Global Mobility*.
Ford introduces Stolen Vehicle Services for the FordPass app to help customers protect their vehicle and to provide 24-hour support in the event of a vehicle theft. Drivers who are alerted to their vehicle being stolen contact a dedicated call centre that can track the vehicle to increase the chances of recovery.
In honor of the humble sacrifices of the Women Airforce Service Pilots, Ford today is announcing a one-of-one custom 2021 Mustang Mach-E inspired by the volunteer female pilots and the planes they piloted during World War II.
This Mustang Day -- the nameplate’s 56th birthday -- Mustang can now celebrate two global sales crowns, earning world’s best-selling sports car and its fifth straight best-selling sports coupe title.